We kindly ask you to provide us with an assessment of the applicant's abilities and eligibility for a master's program in Economics.
Due to legal provisions in Germany, only letters of recommendation received within the application period can be considered in the selection process. We would very much appreciate it if you completed the form before the application deadline on 31 March 2020. Rest assured that your assessment of the applicant will be treaded strictly confidentially.
Under the following link we provide a reference form which you may use.
Please upload your reference as a PDF document.
We greatly appreciate your help and thank you, also on behalf of the applicant, for your time and cooperation.
Kind regards,
Team for ApplicationsM.Sc. EconomicsUniversity of HamburgFaculty of Business, Economics and Social SciencesAcademic Office Economics
Website: www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de/studienbuero-vwl
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“Keine Datei ausgewählt” means “No file selected”
"I consent to my data being processed for the following purpose or purposes: Application, and I accept the data protection provisions. I can revoke my consent at any time with effect for the future."